LMM News

Celebrating Women in Leadership

Diane Stack, LMM Board Chair
Maria Foschia, President & CEO
Sue Cyncynatus, Chief Financial Office

Women’s History Month commemorates and encourages the study, observance and celebration of the vital role of women in American history. 

LMM has a strong history of bold, principled, and visionary women guiding us through the important work that we do, including Dorothea Lyons, Susie Sering, Carol Fredrich, and many more.

We’re proud of the women we currently have leading our Board of Directors and Executive Leadership Team, including our Board President, Diane Stack, our President & CEO, Maria Foschia, and our Chief Financial Officer, Sue Cyncynatus. LMM is grateful to have half of our 20-person Board of Directors and eight out of the 11 members of our Executive Leadership Team be women.

Want to celebrate Women’s History Month with LMM? Here are some ways to get involved:

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