LMM News

A Summer With LMM – Alexia Miracle (pt. 1)

Hello my name is Alexia Miracle!

This summer I will be interning with LMM’s Development & Communications team. I was born in Cleveland and raised in Lake County where I currently live with my family. I am a rising senior at Cleveland State University where I study Nonprofit Administration at the Maxine Goodman Levin School of Urban Affairs. 

I started my journey with service in high school through a service learning program which acted as a crash course in social justice and volunteerism for students. Through this program I was granted the opportunity to operate my school’s nonprofit, the WicKloset, which distributes clothing and hygiene items to the surrounding community. I fell in love with nonprofit work through this experience and I found a quote while participating in the program that fuels my service to this day:  

“When you help, you see life as weak. When you fix, you see life as broken. When you serve, you see life as whole. Fixing and helping may be the work of the ego, and service the work of the soul” – Rachel Naomi Remen 

I have worked at CSU’s on-campus food pantry and resource center, Lift Up Vikes! (more affectionately known as LUV!) since my freshman year and have had the opportunity to serve thousands of students and community members throughout Cleveland. I have been the student manager for LUV! for nearly three years and I am responsible for the full operation of our food pantry, from ordering food from the Greater Cleveland Food Bank, to meeting students after classes to pick up groceries, and managing all levels of communications with students, donors, and university leadership.  

This summer at LMM I will be working with the Development & Communications team to plan the 55th anniversary events calendar! I will be creating surveys, hosting focus groups, and meeting one-on-one with folks to determine how you want to celebrate the anniversary and how LMM can make that happen! I am really excited to meet everyone and learn from your experiences with LMM and what you hope to see from them at future events! 


Alexia Miracle

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