Hello, I’m Gabe DeCarlucci, and I’m excited to work with the LMM team as a Communications Intern this fall!
I started earlier this month and look forward to work more with this wonderful organization to make a positive impact in the Cleveland community. I’m also eager to develop valuable skills to prepare me for a future in the communications field.
I’m a senior at John Carroll University, studying Integrated Marketing Communications with a minor in Peace, Justice, and Human Rights. My coursework has provided me with a well-rounded education and my Peace, Justice, and Human Rights classes have helped further my knowledge of social justice and human rights issues.
Originally from Pittsburgh (yes, I’m a Steelers fan, sorry Browns fans!), I’ve grown to love the Cleveland area through my time in college. Thanks to my involvement with the Center for Service Learning and Social Action at John Carroll, I’ve had the opportunity to work as a reading tutor in Cleveland schools, which reinforced my passion for work that positively impacts others. That experience led me to pursue a role with LMM, where I’m excited to be involved in an organization that serves the community.
On campus, I currently serve as Vice President of Ultimate Frisbee and Men’s A cappella. These clubs provide an outlet for me to stay active outdoors and express myself creatively through music. Overall, these experiences have helped enrich my college life as well as develop leadership skills for any future opportunities in my career.
I’m thrilled about the opportunity to apply what I’ve learned to contribute to LMM and the community! I look forward to utilizing my skills in content creation and strategic communication to advance LMM’s mission of challenging systemic injustices faced by those who are oppressed, forgotten, and hurting by providing responsive solutions, advocacy, and hope.