LMM News

LMM LGBTQ+ Resources

LMM recognizes the importance of equity, inclusivity and treating everyone with respect and dignity, no matter what they look like, how they identify, or who they love.

Unfortunately, studies have found that adults that identify as LGBTQ+ are more than twice as likely to experience homelessness as cisgender, straight adults and that 28% of LGBTQ youth reported experiencing homelessness or housing instability at some point in their lives.

In honor of Pride Month, LMM has compiled resources centered around support and education in relation to the LGBTQ+ community, with a particular focus on individuals experiencing homelessness and youth that identify as LGBTQ+

You can also give us a follow on social media to stay up-to-date with our #PrideMonth campaign, where we share similar resources and efforts LMM is making to be inclusive of individuals identifying as LGBTQ+:

LMM News

Affordable Housing Initiative

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