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Advocacy, Blog
Heather Paramore, LMM Community Engagement Coordinator
William Tarter, Jr., LMM Director of Advocacy
Dear Supporters,
As we start the new year, the LMM Advocacy Team is grateful for the continued support of folks like you who believe in our mission. When we look back over the last year, we find many instances where we were able to engage lawmakers, philanthropic organizations, and community members with important programs that impact the people we serve. As we look forward, there will be many instances where LMM can use our platform to educate, engage, and empower our communities to advocate for policies that uplift the entire region.
Advocacy Team Staff Changes: In 2024, LMM welcomed two new staff members to the LMM Advocacy Team—William Tarter, Jr. as the new Director of Advocacy and Heather Paramore as the new Community Engagement Coordinator.
Charles R. See Forum on Reentry: LMM partnered with the City Club of Cleveland to host the annual Charles R. See Forum featuring keynote speaker Yusuf Dahl. The forum was centered on Fair Chance Housing and the barriers people face in trying to gain access to housing. Over 270 people were in attendance, making it the largest Charles R. See Forum yet.
Voting: When Northeast Ohio Voter Advocacy (NOVA) identified the impact of last summer’s voter roll purge by the Ohio Secretary of State’s office, LMM took immediate action to assess the impact of the purge on the residents staying at the Men’s Shelter on Lakeside Ave. We first met with the Cuyahoga County Board of Elections to better understand the issue. We then collaborated with our partners at the League of Women Voters, Ohio ACES, Northeast Ohio Coalition for the Homeless (NEOCH), and hosted events where guests could update their voter registration and/or register to vote. We also partnered with NEOCH to develop a Voting While Homeless guide to help inform voters who are homeless of their rights. Finally, we organized a van to transport guests registered to vote from the Men’s Shelter on Lakeside Ave. to the Board of Elections. LMM will remain in communication with NOVA to identify ways to reduce the barriers that individuals who are homeless face when trying to vote.
With the start of a new presidential administration, the state and county budget appropriations cycles, and the upcoming Cleveland mayoral and City Council elections, 2025 is shaping up to be another politically active year.
Photo by Ohio.govNew Leadership: Ohio will have two new U.S. Senators representing our state with the election of Senator Bernie Moreno and the Governor’s appointment of former Lt. Governor Jon Husted to fill Vice President J.D. Vance’s vacant Senate seat. The Ohio General Assembly welcomed several new members to the state legislature. Locally, Cuyahoga County Council also welcomed three new Councilpersons and elected new Council leadership. The LMM Advocacy Team looks forward to working with our newly elected and appointed leaders regionally and across the state to advance meaningful and just change for those we serve.
State & County Budgets: Ohio and Cuyahoga County will determine their biennial budgets for the 2026-2027 fiscal year. LMM will be tracking the biennial budget processes closely on issues which will impact our programming and the communities that we serve.
Locally, we will be working on creating opportunities for civic education and engagement to take place later this year. More information to come.
Finally, as we enter into this new and uncertain public policy environment, we stand firm in our commitment to advocating for responsive solutions that address systemic injustices that impact the oppressed, forgotten, and hurting.